
How Ecuador's Port City Became a Coronavirus Epicenter

Adventure and Freedom - Traveling the Panamericana

Roger Waters: Tearing Down Walls

Boto Bebanka - I am Bebanka

Time For Reconciliation

In Norther Ireland During The Trobles

A Cancer In The Amazon

Interview to Mexican Documentalist Everardo Gonzalez

Furukawa. Modern Slavery in Ecuador Part I

Furukawa. Modern Slavery in Ecuador Part II

Colombian refugees in Ecuador

Amapolay, Graphic of Resistance

Kick and Punch, Afro-ecuadorian Communities of Valle del Chota

Cut cane to plant food

The Past Is Present: Impunity and Obstruction of Justice in Guatemala

Beneath the surface: The impacts of mining

Beneath the Surface: using information to build resistance to mining (Peru)

Beneath the surface: Negotiating the environmental impact assessment (Bolivia)

Visit Mexico. Forced dissapeareance, torture and impunity in Mexico

Tomás, a friar who sings and dances, confronts the State and offers refuge to migrants

Teenagers on the road

Promoting Access to Justice for Migrants and Their Families

Cheran, 5 Years of Autonomy

Day of the Death in Pomuch, Campeche, Mexico

Mountain of Death, Nepal Earthquake